A while back, my endless internet searching led me to a short but interesting blog post by a modeling agency in South Africa. The "human element" is what got my attention because the woman posting mentioned feeling bad for high heels worn the wrong way. When I started this blog, I searched for the post but had no initial luck, and for good reason: it appears the website was hacked, or otherwise compromised. It took me a little while to come to the realization that I could use the trusty Internet Archive: Wayback Machine to find an archived version of the site. Sure enough, it worked. And here it is.
Anything that anthropomorphizes woman's shoes is okay in my book, and this was the first time I had seen someone else express sadness over the way some shoes are treated. It also touches upon one of my favorite signs of trashing and abuse, which occurs when the woman wearing the shoe walks on the outsides of her feet and causes abnormal wear- in the case of high heels, top pieces worn down at an angle. The tips for wearing high heels also makes for good reading. Tip #7, which reads, "Never put pressure on the heels" is my favorite. It probably has something to do with the fact that I'm starting to understand what it's like to wear heels, and maybe even the fact that I disagree with statements about not putting weight on the heels. Maybe it's just me but I find it comfortable and pleasurable to rest my weight on the heels. Then again, it might be easier for me to do that because I have a large foot and there is a big difference between wearing 5" heels with feet that are twelve inches long as opposed to seven inches long. Simple geometry and physics.
Don't get too excited about the comments section. The conversation devolves into a bunch of spam posts before it has a chance to develop into something good. What a shame.
Great read!